Wednesday 24 September 2014

C for Dummies Basics (#1)

Hello Everyone!!

This is my first blog and the reason for this blog is to help every aspiring engineers be a software or electronic engineer, or any enthusiast who wants to be proficient in C.

The things you could perform from a Programming Language is so vast that every finger of every person in the entire world would not be enough to count them.

The webpage you are seeing right now, to the microwave oven that beeps when your food is ready, to the satellite that orbits around the earth, to smartphone in your pants and every application inside it is an output of a programming language.

This would be series of blogs and we would be starting from the roots of the subject but don't worry I won't be boring you with detailed theories but relevant information about topics which would build concepts from core and the things I wish I was told while learning C.

OK So Lets Begin...

First of all What is a language or a programming language?? and What does it actually do??

Language as we know is a medium of communication the way I am able to convey my message to you through this blog using English Language.

Similarly C is a Programming Language developed by his holy Dennis Ritchie to communicate between a Programmer and a Machine and by Machine I mean the CPU (the Processor) of your computer.

Secondly What is a Program?

As you would be learning how to write your own programs in C shortly you should know what a program means.

Program is nothing but a set of instructions that the machine has to perform to complete a task.

General Example :
Program for dialing to your friend from your Mobile is:
  1. Unlock Phone
  2. Open Contacts in your Phone.
  3. Search your friend by Name.
  4. Press the Call Button.
Thus through a Programming Language we communicate to our computer or computer's processor specifically to help it perform a special desirable task which could be as simple as adding two numbers to developing your own Game but we have to start from the basics.

A Processor...

Processor or Micro-Processor also represented as uP/µP where u/µ stands for micro and P for Processor.

It is the brain and soul of your computer and carries out each process that a user tries to implement.

Every event that occurs on a device would call such a program which the processor executes according to the instructions written in the program.

From hereon in my next post I would discuss about a processor and its interfacing to the computer in more detail as it is crucial for knowing how C works. 

The link would be available in few days.

Thank You for coping with me so far :) .. 

Do leave a comment for any queries or suggestions as your opinions means a lot to me as this is my first blog.